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Writer's pictureGary Montoya

God Will Restore Your Honor!


There has never been a more urgent time in history for every believer to step into their calling and thrive. God has placed unique gifts inside each believer to fulfill a divine mandate from heaven. Similarly, we have designed and produced objects for our purposes. For example: a cell phone, car, airplane, or computer each has a specific purpose. Each invention we create is to help us accomplish things we desire to achieve or obtain. God is no different, and He has created you and me with a specific purpose to accomplish His desires on the earth.

The reality is, far too many Christians are not accomplishing their God-given dreams and living far below their potential. I used to work at a Fortune 500 company with employees that had college degrees and dreams that had no correlation to their current employment. Several times in casual conversation I would ask, “Why are you here?” and the answer was always the same, “I need to pay my bills.” Deep down this answer always bothered me. I had this check in my spirit because these were good people who had never tapped into their God-given gifts or calling. These were people who never experienced the grace of thriving in their uniqueness for Him. They didn’t understand that honor was the key to unlocking the plans God had for them.

In my experience, you can categorize Christians into three groups:

Group One: They love God, but they are not in their assignment nor calling.

Group Two: They love God. They are in their assignment and calling, but they are not thriving in their calling.

Group Three: They love God. They are in their area of assignment, and they are thriving and multiplying.

Which category do you fall into? Be encouraged that life’s successes are not measured by how you start your race but how you finish it. None of us started right, we were all born into sin. But we all can choose how we finish. As you begin this journey of Kingdom Honor you will see God do the miraculous in your life. God will refine you like gold: removing the impurities and developing a servant’s heart in you.

“Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.” (2 Timothy 2:20-21 ESV)

This verse is one of the most remarkable promises in the Bible. Paul says if you cleanse yourself from dishonor, you will be restored as a vessel of honor. It is God’s original design for you to be a vessel of honor. Do you want to be a vessel of honor - set apart and useful for the Master? Do you want to be prepared for the work He has assigned for you? Here is the astounding truth, the choice is yours. It is 100% God’s will for you to bear much fruit and to multiply in every area of your life. You were designed to thrive in your calling. This pleases God! Jesus said, “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples” (John 15:8 NASB). It is clear how God wants you to finish. Jesus also said,

“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine

that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will

produce even more.” (John 15:1-2)

He cuts off every branch that doesn’t bear fruit, but the good news is that God “prunes the branches that do bear fruit so that you will produce even more”! You are to bear fruit at an accelerated rate. Do you feel you have made mistakes that are irreparable or feel you waited too long to fulfill your calling?

If you feel delayed in any way, be encouraged - hold tight to this promise: “You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again.” (Psalm 71:21)

David declared this over his life, though he had committed adultery and was responsible for the murder of an innocent man. He repented and declared this promise over his life. You and I need to do the same. This is a remarkable promise, settle in your heart now that no matter what is in your past, God will restore you to even greater honor. My wife has said, “Restoration is the signature of God’s divine nature.”

This is what God does best: He restores, heals, and makes new.

When you first got saved, God planted dreams in your heart. He intended to give you glimpses of your future. Even though you may feel you have missed your calling or have been delayed, God can and will renew you. He takes a shattered dream and creates a new one. He restores what the enemy has stolen. If you focus on becoming a vessel of honor, nothing and no one can stop you from fulfilling your calling!

Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to start fresh in my life. So many times, I have missed the mark. I am sorry Lord. Forgive me for having dishonor in my heart. I choose today to move beyond my past mistakes to declare I am wholly yours to refine. Help me cleanse myself with your Word to become a vessel of honor. In Jesus’ name, amen.




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Mercy Josiane
Mercy Josiane
Apr 05, 2021

Thank you for sharing this. It answered my questions, like his about my calling? And it gave me hope to be honored once again. Bless you!


Kiambu Kirigiti
Kiambu Kirigiti
Mar 29, 2021

That word was for me at the right time. Thank you Lord.


Chosen Nedu
Chosen Nedu
Mar 28, 2021

This is powerful and deep

You are helping destinies here sir

"It is not how you started that matter but how you finish"

What a word!

Thanks for this peice,sir!

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